Wednesday, 30 December 2009


Oh dear.

Yes, it's that time again. The time that every man dreads. Haircut time.

At lunchtime I went on a stroll to Gary's, my barber shop of choice in Holywood. Luckily, Gary was busy with another customer (Gary will bend your ear for a solid half hour about taxes, Majorca, his auntie Mavis, Liverpool, fuel prices or whatever else is on his mind). The man is a Holywood celebrity, he literally knows everyone and could talk for Ireland.

Anyway he was busy, so I sat down with one of the two Asian sisters who also work there. These girls really are wizards with scissors, they are very precise and normally do a great job.

So I just asked for a good trim, to leave it messy on top and get the back and sides tidied up. Tidy it up she did. My goodness. She just kept cutting.

20 minutes later and I had a baseball cap-esque 'flick' straight out of the year 1999.
It was crazy, I haven't seen the like of it since P7. (This picture really doesn't it justice, google doesn't seem to have heard of a flick.) Tons of gel, combed right down, with a massive vertical flick, I looked like a total idiot. I walked out the door, looked at my reflection in the next window and immediately smoothed it right down to hide my shame.

The last haircut I had was from an American girl in the kitchen of an old people's home and it was perfect! Gary, my faith in your establishment has been firmly shaken.

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Here's Johnny!

Folks, it's official. I am back with a bang!

I write to you on this fine morning of the 29th December and I feel good. The blog bug has once again captured my imagination and I am ready to rock!

Technically Christmas has just about passed. I am sitting in work freezing my ass off, but the Christmas spirit lives on! Anyway here's what went on the last couple of days.

The run up to Christmas is always great. I had a few gigs to attend and then an awesome frisbee tournament on the Saturday. Me and Chris entered a team with some friends and we didn't even come last! Then there was a totally whopper dinner dance when the frisbee was over. There was lots of grub and we all dressed up nice and danced like crazy people. Great times had by all.

Too much partying and not enough sleeping took its toll and I had to fight off the cold with about 40 lemsips to keep me in shape for the festivities! I had to work on Christmas Eve, but came home for some great family bant and the first exchange of presents! I got my brother a voice changer and he kept us all in tears of laughter with his crazy robot singing. We also watched The Dukes of Hazzard, Jessica Simpson is a fox!

The fantastic presents and family banter continued on Christmas and Boxing Day, with both sides of the family coming round for dinner. Lots of food and fun and the best thing about Christmas, sleeping by the fire.

On Sunday night, my friends John and Emma had their engagement party, congratulations guys! It was a very fun night, talking rubbish to lots of new people, eating loads of food, doing trivia with the dads, watching top gear and playing singstar. Me and Marco did a killer Ice Ice Baby but the the performance of the night went to the Hammond brothers!

Yesterday was my last day off, so i capitalized and did absolutely NOTHING!! It was fantastic!! I got up at about 11 and ate some bacon and eggs and then watched an episode of Planet Earth in High-Def, which is INCREDIBLE! I then got dressed, checked my fantasy football team, had a look at all the photos I had taken and then ate more food. Played Monopoly that night and then went to bed! WHAT A DAY!

I'm back on track baby.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve

Hi Guys.

Things have been majorly lacking in the blog department recently. I'm not really sure why, but the posts just haven't happened.

It's Christmas Eve and I am sitting in work, bored on the Internet. There is some really terrible festive music playing, none of the classics. I am also pretty sick and sleep deprived but it's Christmas so I can't complain.

I still have to wrap all my presents and finish off the mixtape for my Dad, so a couple more things to do tonight before the big sleep!