Tuesday, 24 February 2009

I'm in trouble.

Hey gang, sorry it has been a while, my life has been life rollercoaster for the last month. Been here, there and everywhere and just about finding the time to go to uni in between.

Anyway i am sitting in a computer lab at 7:40pm and have been here for the last 2hrs 40minutes. I have wasted all that time so i thought i would waste some more. Life really is too short for blogs. Anyway its pancake day and i could be at home making pancakes and partying with my friends but i have a stupid Java practical to do for monday and i am not leaving this room until its done. I also have to finish another practical and look at some lectures i missed and apply for about 5 jobs, how fun. Anyway this is just a rant about how much work i have to do, blah blah blah.

I am also having crazy thoughts about going to Nepal next year to work for my placement. This is definately a crazy idea as didn't know where it was until i looked it up on wikipedia. Mount Everest is there, though i wouldn't really get to see it much as you have to pay like $25,000 to get to base camp seemly. Seems like a bit of a rip-off to me.